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Product for Tec Certification

PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio Systems

PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio Systems

Product : PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio Systems

IS Standard : GCS

TEC (Telecommunication Engineering Centre) is an Indian government organization responsible for the standardization and certification of telecommunication equipment in India. TEC certification is a mandatory requirement for telecommunication equipment to be used in the Indian market.

PTP (Precision Timing Protocol) PMP (Point-to-Multipoint) Microwave Fixed Radio Systems are wireless communication systems that provide point-to-multipoint connectivity using microwave radio frequencies. These systems often include features such as high-capacity data transmission, voice communication, and precise timing synchronization.

To obtain TEC certification for PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio Systems, the equipment must comply with the technical standards specified by TEC. The specific technical requirements and testing procedures for TEC certification can be found in TEC's Technical Standards documents.

You would need to refer to the relevant TEC standards that apply to PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio Systems to understand the specific requirements in detail. These standards may cover aspects such as radio frequency emissions, power levels, modulation techniques, interference mitigation, transmission quality, network management, and timing synchronization.