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Product for EPRA for E-Waste

Electronic display panels / board / visual display unit

Electronic display panels / board / visual display unit

Product : Electronic display panels / board / visual display unit

IS Standard : LSEEW34

Yes, electronic display panels / boards / visual display units (EDPVDUs) are covered under the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) framework in India. This means that manufacturers and importers of EDPVDUs are responsible for collecting and recycling end-of-life EDPVDUs.

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is the government agency responsible for regulating e-waste in India. The CPCB has set up a system for EPR for EDPVDUs, which is based on the following principles:

  • Producer responsibility: Manufacturers and importers of EDPVDUs are responsible for collecting and recycling end-of-life EDPVDUs.
  • Extended producer responsibility: The responsibility for collecting and recycling end-of-life EDPVDUs is extended to producers and importers, even if they are not the ones who ultimately sell the products to consumers.
  • Collective responsibility: Producers and importers can form collectives to fulfill their EPR obligations.
  • Funding: Producers and importers can finance their EPR obligations through a variety of mechanisms, including fees, taxes, and levies.

The CPCB has set up a number of collection centers for EDPVDUs across India. Consumers can take their end-of-life EDPVDUs to these collection centers for free. The CPCB also has a number of recycling facilities for EDPVDUs. These recycling facilities are used to recover valuable materials from end-of-life EDPVDUs, such as lead, mercury, and precious metals.

If you are a manufacturer or importer of EDPVDUs in India, you are required to comply with the EPR framework. You can find more information about the EPR framework for EDPVDUs on the CPCB website.

Here are some of the benefits of EPR for EDPVDUs:

  • Reduces environmental impact: EPR helps to reduce the environmental impact of EDPVDUs by ensuring that they are properly disposed of and recycled.
  • Creates jobs: EPR creates jobs in the collection, recycling, and reuse of EDPVDUs.
  • Protects consumers: EPR helps to protect consumers from counterfeit and substandard EDPVDUs.
  • Improves product quality: EPR can help to improve the quality of EDPVDUs by ensuring that they are properly designed and manufactured.